letter to the editor

Back to school

Mon, 03/11/2024 - 2:30pm

Dear Editor:

A couple of weeks ago, Georgia and I visited four classes at BRHS; theater; sophomore college biology; AP Biology, and Robotics. These were but four of the 60 some courses that are offered at directly BRHS, augmented by 13 or so courses at the Bath Vocational Tech, and several AP courses offered through the University of Maine.

During our morning visit we saw our community kids involved in rehearsing a play, measuring differences in CO2 production from various yeast experiments, hearing from a visiting young woman – a third-year medical student talking to our girls about how they could find a pathway to medical school if they so chose, and then, finally, a robotics course where kids were passionately engaged in bettering their machines’ software and hardware to get further in the state competitions coming soon. Beyond what we visited are numerous courses in language, mathematics, and art ranging from the basics to the complex.

Isn’t this the kind of education our community kids deserve? Through BRHS, they have an offering of the best available materials and processes. They experience the most important areas of human knowledge in the trades and the professions, in the arts and sciences.

Seventy five courses, a rich set of choices for the kids of our communities. Whether their future lies in lobstering, law, carpentry or cooking, medicine or science, we provide this for their future. For our future. Let’s keep it strong. 

Bruce MacDonald 
