Boothbay Region Senior Citizens Club: Belated Christmas Party Jan. 14

Tue, 01/06/2015 - 11:00am

Because of the weather conditions last month, we will be holding our Christmas Party on Wednesday, Jan. 14 at the Boothbay Fire Station on Wiscasset Road. Our meeting will start promptly at 11:30 a.m.; members are asked to please arrive no later than 11:15 a.m. Reminder, our annual dues are payable this month.

After our business meeting, Mr. C's will be serving us a wonderful roast pork luncheon, with vegetables, salad and one of his awesome desserts. Reminder, if you did not attend the last meeting or would like to join the Boothbay Region Seniors, please call Debbie at 207-633-7874 so we can place the luncheon order with Mr. C's. Members who did attend the last meeting do not need to call unless they will be unable to attend this meeting.

The very talented Fay Christy will be entertaining us with her wonderful music.

Don't forget we will be exchanging Christmas gifts at this meeting. Please bring a wrapped $5 gift to exchange.

Our next meeting will be held in two weeks on Jan. 28, 2015 at this time we will hold elections of officers for 2015. As stated in our by-laws, the positions who are elected annually are president, vice president, secretary and membership chair. The treasurer is elected to a three year term 2014/2016. Anyone interested in serving or if you have questions on any of the positions, please contact President Mary Hull at 207-633-4189 or Treasurer Debbie Mullen at 207-633-7874.