letter to the editor

Boothbay Republicans caucus Feb. 24

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

On Saturday, Feb. 10, Lincoln County Republicans hosted a delightful and traditional event honoring Abraham Lincoln the first elected Republican President. If you were unable to attend you missed a truly meaningful event.

The entertainment: the Windjammers Barbershop Quartet were delightful, the invocation offered by Pastor Jon Vermilion was inspirational, and guest speakers, Colin McWay, author and historian, was thought-provoking and finally House Minority Leader, Billy Bob Faulkingham, who was extremely informative. And the food was great!

But there is still time and a chance to be involved.  On Saturday, Feb. 24 at 10 a.m. in the Boothbay Town Office, Republicans will gather for a caucus. All registered Republicans are invited to participate in this extremely important process. This election will be a defining challenge that will determine our future.

Carrie Watson
