letter to the editor

Graduation 2017: The missing threesome

Wed, 06/14/2017 - 10:45am

    Dear Editor:

    With Elisabeth’s graduation this year, Dee and I had our first opportunity to witness ALL that goes into such a meaningful graduation process. Just fantastic in every way! But there was a rather important threesome missing: Maine’s governor, the president and the secretary of education. All have expressed, one way or another, dubious support for public education. Had they been here with eyes open, they would have experienced the epitome of public education, the community/alumni support, the dedicated faculty/staff/administrators, and the students themselves. I dare say, that threesome has never witnessed such a moving Grand March the way our graduates performed it.

    Now that I’m closing in on four score and eight in a few days, I have been doing some reflecting, particularly about both my public and private school education. I have lived in nine states, coming to Maine (Peaks Island) from seven of those states, starting at age three. Just for the record, our recent move to East Boothbay was only my 34th move. I certainly have had a variety of educational experiences over the years.

    I say all this because when Elisabeth came to live with us at age 12, we soon found out just what an outstanding school system we lucked into. From those early Southport School days to those at the Harbor, we could not have placed her in a more caring group of teachers, administrators, coaches, students and community! We are ever so grateful and cannot thank all of you enough. This community’s public education is what excellent public education is all about. Long may it live!

    Grammy/Grampy (Dee and Howard) Wright Sr.

    East Boothbay