letter to the editor

June as Pride Month

Mon, 02/26/2024 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

Friends, as much as I love and have compassion for every life, I think we have to be somewhat reasonable about how and what we honor. Celebrating anyone or anything for a month is more than just a remembrance, it’s a movement.

We have been celebrating people of all purposes and contributions for as long as I have lived. We celebrated their contributions to society as a whole, their goodness, kindness and a difference they made in our lives and society. Their sexual preferences were not the issue but their gifts to the greater good.

Why an entire month is needed is excessive to me when compared to the one day Martin Luther King, Lincoln, Washington and others receive for their remembrance. I can understand and do celebrate differences.

If we are going to celebrate something for a month, perhaps it could be about caring for each other without pointing out our differences. I could get behind celebrating love and kindness much more! That’s a movement I would love to see!

Larry Clark
