letter to the editor

Vote yes on Question 2

Tue, 10/17/2017 - 7:15am


    Dear Editor:

    There are some very good reasons to vote yes on Question 2.

    Yes on Question 2 will help marginal small businesses that fail to pay their workers a living wage or provide health insurance. By providing health insurance to their underpaid workers, this health care plan will help marginal small businesses compete with larger more profitable business for qualified workers.

    Yes on Question 2 will also help community hospitals stay open. Too many small community hospitals have closed or are in danger of being closed of merged away because too many people lack adequate health insurance and cannot pay for the cost of basic care. By assuring that the working poor get some basic health benefits, hospitals will be able to continue to function in these otherwise underserved communities.

    Yes on Question 2 will bring thousands of new jobs to Maine. Providing access to basic healthcare to the working poor, means creating new jobs to fill this large unmet need.

    Yes on Question 2 will help working Mainers. These include working veterans, working single mothers that make up the majority of people who have earned this health benefit.

    Voting yes on Question 2 is a vote to support small business, a vote to create jobs, a vote to keep and maintain small community hospitals, and a vote for fairness for working Mainers.

    Please vote yes on Question 2.

    Fred W. Nehring
