From the editor

Week 1 and beyond

Wed, 01/03/2024 - 8:45am

The holiday celebrations and time off from work are over and we, the newspaper staff, are looking forward to another fine year ahead.

We are currently, however slowly, getting our annual supplements ready – articles are being written, ads are being collected and covers will soon be decided upon.

Health & Wellness, Home & Landscapes, Summertime, Windjammer Days and Dining Guide have been on our minds since fall began. Each one takes time and we squeeze in time to work on them in between reporting the weekly news. No playoffs for the Patriots and the Red Sox season doesn’t look bright so time watching TV – at least for me – should be better suited for working on these supplements.

Thanks to our advertisers for the past year and for supporting our efforts. The dire numbers regarding the shutdown of newspapers in the country make us shudder but we persevere and, with your help, we will continue this journey into year 148 and beyond!

We will be saying good-bye to one of our longtime co-workers, business manager Pat Schmid, who will be retiring this year after 35 years of putting up with late time cards, questions about vacation and sick notices, insurance questions, and various other items we need reminding of from her. Pat and I have the longest tenure at the Register and have many great memories working with Mary Brewer, Bill Harris, David McKown, Lynn Cartwright and, of course, publisher Marylouise Cowan. Maybe some day Pat and I should collaborate on a book about our early days! Thank you, Pat, for a great three and a half decades!

Happy New Year everyone. Be safe, be good and be friendly!