LincolnHealth/St. Andrews Campus

Chair Feldenkrais is improving lives

Tue, 08/28/2018 - 8:15am

The Wellness/Rehab Department of Lincoln Health, St. Andrews Campus, has been the location of Chair Feldenkrais classes being offered by exercise physiologist Dianne Daniels, and the students are singing its praises, amazed at the benefits they are experiencing.

For example, as Feldenkrais student Eileen Sypher reports, “I have never moved better than after these three Feldenkrais sessions. I have had several surgeries that have made me feel broken up. Now my whole body is more fluid, and it feels like it is all one piece for the first time in a long time.”

The Feldenkrais Method ingeniously taps into the body’s innate way of learning to safely and gently reestablish good movement patterns. Years of moving incorrectly, whether due to injury or chronic overuse, can cause nagging aches and pains. Feldenkrais teaches the body to relearn how to move with good alignment and body mechanics so that pain and limitations disappear.

Another student beams that she has overcome her fear of injury. “I’ve been apprehensive to do certain movements,” says Chris Bastian. “For me, Feldenkrais takes the fear out of feeling you will hurt yourself.”

Perhaps Pat McHold sums it up best: “It’s made big changes in so little time, and with so little effort.”

Each time you come to Feldenkrais class you are introduced to new movement sequences. You will be performing the movements either while seated in a chair or while standing and holding onto a chair for safety and stability.

The Feldenkrais classes are ongoing, and can be joined at any time. The next monthly series begins Sept. 6, and will take place on Thursdays, from 2-2:45 p.m.

For more information, and to register for the next series, call Dianne Daniels, at 380-1536.