Lynn Martin speaks to women’s club

Mon, 03/25/2019 - 2:30pm

On Tuesday, March 12, Lynn Martin of Southport spoke to the Waldoboro Women’s Club on the Fire Service Compliancy Associates founded in 2006 to bring awareness to firefighters regarding health and safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the Bureau of Labor Standards and as required by the state of Maine. These were in the form of manuals consistently revised and updated. Later, safety requirements and policies were also included in manuals for all municipal departments: public qorks, police, EMS, qastewater, water districts, transfer stations, schools, parks and recreation.

These guidelines and policies make the various departments jobs safer and easier.

Martin's business also includes assisting departments which maintain training records, coordinating and reviewing all mandatory documents required to achieve safety standards as set forth by the Bureau of Labor Standards.