Southport selectmen plan on reorganizing their office

Mon, 02/19/2024 - 3:00pm

Southport selectmen Feb. 14 discussed how best to reorganize their office. Selectmen sought Town Clerk Donna Climo’s advice. Her first task will be reviewing files in two cabinets to see which ones should remain or be removed. “There are so many documents, statutes, manuals and different records we’ve held onto for years. Some are probably already recorded online,” she said.

Climo will also transition from an elected town official to an appointed one. Last year, residents voted to make town clerk, treasurer and tax collector appointed positions instead of elected. Climo currently holds all three positions. Her treasurer’s elected position expires in 2026 and her tax collector’s position expires next year. She will serve those terms out prior to being appointed to each.

Climo sought advice on tracking her hours as a soon-to-be appointed town clerk. In March, her elected town clerk term expires. “Continue as you have been,” Selectman Gerry Gamage advised. 

In other action, selectmen approved purchasing a new iPad for the code enforcement office. Selectmen anticipate a $500 cost and municipal administrative assistant Ashlea Tibbetts will make the purchase.

Selectmen approved Michelle and Kaylee Farnham’s request to rent the town hall for a March 9 birthday party. Selectmen also announced the town report has been finalized and sent to the printer.

Selectmen meet next at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 in the town office.