letter to the editor

Vote for Wiscasset school budget

Mon, 04/22/2024 - 4:00pm

Dear Editor:

I am writing today as a Wiscasset School District Committee member, a parent of a child in the Wiscasset School District, and as a tax-paying community member.

I am asking for your Wiscasset reader’s support of the Wiscasset School District 2024 -2025 budget. Please join me on April 30 at 6 p.m. in the Wiscasset Middle-High School Gymnasium for the Budget Validation Vote.

A budget, especially a school budget, ultimately represents a set of choices as how best to deliver on our mission, promises, and values. I believe you will see that we have focused on existing initiatives that address unfinished learning, promote high academic attainment for all, and support the social and emotional needs of students. Our budget also works towards attracting, supporting, and retaining effective teachers and staff.

The proposed school budget maintains the current level of services that our students need and deserve. Please protect that investment by voting in favor of the 2024-25 budget on both April 30 and June 11. Your vote matters!

Jodi Hardwick
